Growers Secret Nitrogen 14-0-0


Provides a rich source of nitrogen for nitrogen-loving plants. Use to help plants grow quickly, and to improve plant quality and appearance. Suitable for use in commercial agriculture and horticulture. Grower’s Secret Nitrogen 16 (GSN16) is a vegetable protein that can be applied by ground or air application to plants, through drench, drip or flood irrigation on soil to prevent or correct nitrogen deficiencies that could limit growth and yields. GSN16 is nontoxic to plants when applied as directed. For best results, apply GSN16 according to recommendations based on plant tissue or soil analysis for a given crop.


Grower’s Secret Nitrogen 16-0-0
Plant-Based Water Soluble Nitrogen

Provides a rich source of nitrogen for nitrogen-loving plants. Use to help plants grow quickly, and to improve plant quality and appearance. Suitable for use in commercial agriculture and horticulture. Grower’s Secret Nitrogen 16 (GSN16) is a vegetable protein that can be applied by ground or air application to plants, through drench, drip, or flood irrigation on soil to prevent or correct nitrogen deficiencies that could limit growth and yields. GSN16 is nontoxic to plants when applied as directed. For best results, apply GSN16 according to recommendations based on plant tissue or soil analysis for a given crop.

MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Mix well in the desired amount of water. GSN16 is believed to be compatible with most fertilizers and plant nutrient products with the exception of products containing high levels of Calcium such as CAN 17. When mixing with other products it is recommended that a physical compatibility test be conducted before use. A test using small quantities in proportion to field application rates is recommended.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Agricultural and Horticultural crops: Apply 2-10 pounds per acre when plants are actively growing or as needed based on your nutrient management program determined from soil and plant tissue analysis for your specific crop. This product is a commercial fertilizer and should be used as part of a comprehensive nutrient management program.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Grower’s Secret 14-0-0 Nitrogen

How is Grower's Secret Nitrogen applied?

Grower’s Secret Nitrogen is a dry, very hygroscopic powder which cannot be used dry or blended with dry fertilizers for direct application.  It is compatible with other fertilizers and can be used as a liquid pre plant or in season side-dress application. To optimize uptake and utilization by the crop GSI recommends dissolving the GSN in water and applying it as a foliar spray.  GSN may also be applied via drip or sprinkler irrigation.  

Will Grower’s Secret Nitrogen damage or burn my crops?

Grower’s Secret 16-0-0 and 14-0-0 provides nitrogen in the form of protein hydrolysate. Protein hydrolysates are readily taken into the plant under warm and cool conditions and used for protein and chlorophyll synthesis.  There is no salt buildup and hence there is little chance of fertilizer burn.  GSI recommends you add GS Professional to your GSN applications to maximize nutrient uptake.  Why waste this valuable form of nitrogen?

What is the shelf life of Grower's Secret Nitrogen?

GSN is very hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air when packaging integrity is breached.  A sealed bag will last approximately 5 years form the date of purchase.  If moisture does enter the bag, the product will cake but will still be 100% usable.  It will however take longer mixing to dissolve the caked material.

What packaging sizes is Grower’s Secret Nitrogen sold in?

Grower’s Secret Nitrogen is available in 50 lb. bags, and in 1,125 lb. super sacks.

Can Grower's Secret Nitrogen be used through a drip system?

Yes, through any form.

What is the proper application rate for Grower's Secret Nitrogen?

Naturally the amount of product to apply depends on the crop, it’s stage of growth, plant health and yield potential. Always conduct crop and soil analysis to determine plant needs. In general, two to 10 pounds per acre, one to two times per month and at selected growth stages with influence yield and quality. GSI suggests starting with 2-5 pounds per acre with your initial applications and adjust the amounts as needed based on growing conditions, requirements, leaf N, and overall plant health. GSN is a perfect fertilizer to use when spoon feeding frequent low amounts of N to manage your crop.

Grower's Secret Nitrogen delivers organic nitrogen for healthier, more robust plants.

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